Waxing Tips for Birkebeinerrennet, TurBirken, SkøyteBirken, and StafettBirken
Updated Thursday with final recommendations for StafettBirken, SkøyteBirken, and TurBirken.
Birkebeinerrennet – Saturday: The glide recommendation below is final for Saturday’s race. The final grip recommendation will be published on Friday.
All waxing recommendations are based on testing and experience from the course.
Weather Forecast
Friday Weather Forecast
• Tingstad (Start), 07:00: -9°C
• Skramstadsetra, 08:00: -7°C
• Dambua, 10:00: -5°C
• Kvarstadsætra, 11:00: -3°C
• Sjusjøen, 12:00: -3°C
• Birkebeineren Ski Stadium, 12:00: 0°C
TurBirken Weather Forecast: reports temperatures at Birkebeineren Ski Stadium ranging from -2°C at 10:00 to +1°C at 13:00.
Ski Structure
Stone-Ground Skis
• Medium grind recommended.
• Adding a rill on top of the grind often improves glide.
Swix Riller
• 1.0 mm straight rill (linear roller structure).
• Apply firm pressure on the back of the ski.
GLIDE – Basic Option
This is our final recommendation for StafettBirken, SkøyteBirken, and TurBirken on Friday.
Updated Birkebeinerrennet glide recommendations will be provided later today, Thursday.
1. Optional: Apply HS6 or PS6 as a base layer for increased durability.
2. Spray on Swix HS06L Liquid.
• Using a T21 felt cork can help with application.
• Spray onto the felt and smooth over the ski. Let dry indoors.
3. Once dry, brush with a blue or red nylon brush (T160/T190).
GLIDE – Racing Option
This is our final recommendation for StafettBirken, SkøyteBirken, and TurBirken on Friday.
Updated Birkebeinerrennet glide recommendations will be provided later today, Thursday.
1. Apply Swix DHFF White Marathon, iron in, let cool, scrape, and brush with steel or brass (T179/T162).
2. Apply Swix TSP6 Blue Powder, iron in at 160°C, let cool, scrape, and brush with steel or brass (T179/T162).
3. Finish by polishing the base with a Swix T160 Blue Polishing Brush
Birkebeinerrennet Grip Wax
Updated Thursday – Final recommendation coming Friday.
1. Sand the kick zone thoroughly with #100 sandpaper (Swix T330 or T0011).
2. Heat in one layer of Swix VG35 Green Base Wax, let cool.
3. Heat in one layer of Swix V30 Blue Wax, let cool.
4. Apply 2–3 thin layers of Swix VP40 Blue, cork between each layer.
5. Finish with 2–4 thin layers of Swix VP45 Violet, cork between each layer.
If skis feel slippery, adjust with VP50 Violet. VP45 may be slightly slippery in lower elevations but works well on the mountain.
Pack: VP50, VP60, a cork, and a scraper in your backpack.
TurBirken Grip Wax
Final recommendation for Friday’s race.
1. Sand the kick zone thoroughly with #100 sandpaper (Swix T330 or T0011).
2. Heat in one layer of Swix VG35 Green Base Wax, let cool.
3. Heat in one layer of Swix V30 Blue Wax, let cool.
4. Apply 2–3 thin layers of Swix VP40 Blue, cork between each layer.
5. Finish with 2–4 thin layers of Swix VP45 Violet, cork between each layer.
If skis feel slippery, adjust with VP50 Violet. VP45 may be slightly slippery in lower elevations but works well on the mountain.
Pack: VP50, VP60, a cork, and a scraper in your backpack.
StafettBirken Grip Wax
Final recommendation for Friday’s StafettBirken.
1. Sand the kick zone thoroughly with #100 sandpaper (Swix T330 or T0011).
2. Heat in one layer of Swix VG35 Green Base Wax, let cool.
• Alternatively, apply a thin layer of KX20 Green Klister or KB20 Green Spray Klister. This must be applied sparingly.
3. Apply 2–3 thin layers of Swix VP40 Blue Wax, cork between each layer.
4. Finish with 2–3 thin layers of Swix VP50 Violet, cork between each layer.
If skis feel slippery, adjust with additional layers of VP50 or VP60.
Skin Skis
1. Clean the skins with N22 Skin Cleaner, let dry for 20 minutes.
2. Impregnate the skins with N20 Swix Skin Impregnation, let dry for 20 minutes.
3. Apply N21 Skin Boost to improve both grip and glide.
Swix Pre-Birken Program
Thursday, March 13
📍 Lillehammer
• Waxing service with Sport 1 Lillehammer outside Sport 1 in Kirkegata.
• Ski drop-off from 09:00 inside Sport 1.
• Pick-up by 18:00 or Friday.
• Skis can also be delivered earlier in the week but will be prepared on Thursday.
📍 Rena
• Waxing station at Skramstadsetra
• Open from 12:00 – 18:00.
Friday, March 14
📍 Lillehammer & Rena
• Waxing service continues with Sport 1 and Swix mobile waxing stations.